Remembering Commencement 1965 in Photos
June 12, 2015
For many students and families each year, the Caltech commencement ceremony is an important time—a significant milestone that marks years of hard work and the beginning of a new phase of life.
The Caltech Archives has compiled a gallery of photographs from the commencement exercises of 1965, performed during the tenure of President Lee A. DuBridge and featuring commencement speaker Frank Stanton, then president of CBS.
Although hairstyles and wardrobe choices have changed dramatically in the half-century since these photos were taken, many commencement traditions—as well as the expressions of pride and enthusiasm—have stayed remarkably the same throughout the generations.
Written by
Jessica Stoller-Conrad
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Frank Stanton, at the time president of CBS and Chairman of the Rand Corporation, giving the Commencement address.
Credit: James McClanahan
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